Signs Your Commercial Building Needs Water Meter Repair or Replacement

Water meters are crucial for monitoring the water usage in commercial buildings. They help to ensure accurate billing and monitor water usage. However, like any mechanical device, water meters can wear out or become inaccurate over time. Here are the primary indicators that your commercial building’s water meter might need attention.


Unexpected Increase in Water Bills

A sudden, unexplained increase in your or your tenants’ water bill is often the first sign that something is amiss with your water meter. If your building’s water consumption habits haven’t changed significantly but the bills say otherwise, it could indicate that the water meter is registering more water than is being used. This can be due to internal damage or a malfunction within the meter.

Inconsistent Water Meter Readings

If the readings on your water meter fluctuate drastically without any corresponding change in water usage, it might be malfunctioning. Inconsistencies can also appear as continuously high readings or the meter running when no water is being used. These symptoms suggest that the meter may not be measuring flow accurately and needs to be inspected.

Water Meter is Physically Damaged

Physical damage to the water meter – such as cracks, corrosion, or other visible wear and tear can affect its functionality. Damage can occur from environmental factors, age, or physical impacts. Any visible damage should be a prompt to have the meter inspected and possibly replaced to avoid inaccuracies and potential water leaks.

Old Age of the Meter

Water meters have a useful life after which their accuracy can degrade. Most meters are designed to last for about 10 years. If your meter is approaching or has surpassed this age, it’s wise to consider having it tested and likely replaced, even if no immediate issues are noticeable. Older meters may not provide the reliability needed in a commercial setting.


Regular monitoring and maintenance of your commercial building’s water meter are essential to ensure accurate billing and efficient water use. Recognizing the signs of a faulty water meter is crucial for timely interventions, preventing overcharges and potential water loss. If you notice any of these issues, contact ABR Plumbing right away. Our team of professional plumbers can assess and address the issue right away.